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书名 新东方 雅思阅读
作者 新东方教育科技集团雅思研究院 (作者)
出版日期 2015-08-01
出版社 浙江教育出版社
开本 32
页数 164
装帧 平装
定价(C$) 24.2
约合(US$) 19.12
[ 内容简介 ]

《雅思阅读》汇集了新东方雅思培训经验的精华;新东方及国际知名雅思专家强强联手;倾力打造符合中国雅思考生学习特点的培训教材。由资深国际语言专家Rod Ellis亲自作序;并担任总顾问;对教材编写予以指导;新东方教育科技集团雅思研究院院长周成刚亲自审订。
  Unit 1 Education
  Unit 2 Food
  Unit 3 Health
  Unit 4 Media
  Unit 5 Practice 1
  Unit 6 Advertising
  Unit 7 Learning to Speak
  Unit 8 The Environment
  Unit 9 Sponsorship
  Unit 10 Practice 2
  Unit 11 Transport
  Unit 12 Travel
  Unit 13 Technology
  Unit 14 Money
  Unit 15 Practice 3
  Unit 16 Commodities
  Unit 17 Social Issues
  Unit 18 Drugs and Sport
  Unit 19 Communication
  Unit 20 Practice 4
  Answer Key
  7 Complete the following sentences using the target vocabulary.You will not need all of the words in the list above.The first one is done for you.
  a.Puffery is a term for____exaggerated____advertising claims about products, such as “These sportsshoes are the best in the world”.
  b.Many advertisers use puffery for its____value, to make people laugh.
  c.Some people worry that these subjective claims will____consumers.
  d.Also, competitors____to untruthful claims being made by another company
  e._____, they think it might give their competitor an unfair advantage.
  f.In some countries, consumer rights organisations____ various products and services to check if the advertising is honest.
  g.They can publicise examples of____advertising that are likely to mislead the public.
  h.It is also important to have an official body to check the____of claims that advertisers make.
  i.Such official organisations need to have the____to take legal action if the claims are dishonest.
  j.In general, consumers also need to have an ____ of how advertising works, so that they do not believe vague or exaggerated claims.
  Adjective or Adverb?
  8 Decide the correct part of speech to complete these sentences.
  a.____statements are ones that do not give any specific facts.(Vague, Vaguely)
  b.Some advertisements intend to entertain viewers rather than____deceive them,(deliberate, deliberately)
  c.In the end, the writer decides that most puffery is _____harmless.(relative, relatively)
  d.Vague claims that are made with no specific details are____considered to be puffery rather than dishonest advertising.(general, generally)
  e.he notion of “buyer beware”____applied only to property deals.(initial, initially)
  f.The seller did not need to take responsibility for defects, unless a problem had beer ____concealed.(deliberate,deliberately)
  g.Court decisions can help to clarify the boundary between _____ puffery and illegal advertising. (acceptable, acceptably)
  h.A company that states____ that their product is “the safest” needs to provide proof of this.(specific, specifically).

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