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书名 雅思口语全薇机经
作者 刘薇
出版日期 2017-01-01
出版社 石油工业出版社
开本 32
装帧 平装
定价(C$) 43.1
约合(US$) 34.05
[ 内容简介 ]

  刘薇10 年教学经验再度升级
  刘 薇(Vicky)
  目  录
  Part 1 话题库
  TOPIC 1 Advertisement / 2
  TOPIC 2 A day in a week / 3
  TOPIC 3 Age / 4
  TOPIC 4 Animals / 5
  TOPIC 5 Bags / 6
  TOPIC 6 Being busy / 7
  TOPIC 7 Bicycles/Cycling / 8
  TOPIC 8 Birds / 9
  TOPIC 9 Birthdays / 10
  TOPIC 10 Boats / 11
  TOPIC 11 Books / 12
  TOPIC 12 Buildings / 13
  TOPIC 13 Childhood / 14
  TOPIC 14 Clothes and fashion / 15
  TOPIC 15 Collections / 16
  TOPIC 16 Colours / 17
  TOPIC 17 Computers/Internet / 18
  TOPIC 18 Concentration / 19
  TOPIC 19 Concerts / 20
  TOPIC 20 Cooking / 21
  TOPIC 21 Countryside & city / 22
  TOPIC 22 Daily routine / 23
  TOPIC 23 Dancing / 24
  TOPIC 24 Dictionaries / 25
  TOPIC 25 Drawing/Painting / 26
  TOPIC 26 Driving / 27
  TOPIC 27 Entertainment / 28
  TOPIC 28 E-mails and letters / 29
  TOPIC 29 Films / 30
  TOPIC 30 Flowers / 31
  TOPIC 31 Food / 32
  TOPIC 32 Friends and family/relatives / 33
  TOPIC 33 Gifts/Presents / 34
  TOPIC 34 Habits / 35
  TOPIC 35 Healthy lifestyle / 36
  TOPIC 36 History / 37
  TOPIC 37 Hobbies / 38
  TOPIC 38 Home/Accommodation/Flats/Houses /39
  TOPIC 39 Hometown / 40
  TOPIC 40 Housework / 41
  TOPIC 41 Keeping fit / 42
  TOPIC 42 Indoor games / 43
  TOPIC 43 Living conditions / 44
  TOPIC 44 Languages / 45
  TOPIC 45 Majors / 46
  TOPIC 46 Maps / 47
  TOPIC 47 Meals / 48
  TOPIC 48 Memory / 49
  TOPIC 49 Mobile phones/Cell phones / 50
  TOPIC 50 Museums and art galleries / 51
  TOPIC 51 Music / 52
  TOPIC 52 Names / 53
  TOPIC 53 Nature / 54
  TOPIC 54 Neighbours / 55
  TOPIC 55 News / 56
  TOPIC 56 Numbers / 57
  TOPIC 57 Parks and gardens / 58
  TOPIC 58 Parties / 59
  TOPIC 59 Patience / 60
  TOPIC 60 Places of interest / 61
  TOPIC 61 Plans and goals / 62
  TOPIC 62 Politeness / 63
  TOPIC 63 Postcards / 64
  TOPIC 64 Taking a break / 65
  TOPIC 65 Public holidays / 66
  TOPIC 66 Plants, trees and forests / 67
  TOPIC 67 Rain/Rainy days / 68
  TOPIC 68 Reading / 69
  TOPIC 69 Relaxation / 70
  TOPIC 70 Restaurants / 71
  TOPIC 71 Sky / 72
  TOPIC 72 Schools / 73
  TOPIC 73 Science / 74
  TOPIC 74 Seasons and times of the year / 75
  TOPIC 75 Shoes / 76
  TOPIC 76 Shopping / 77
  TOPIC 77 Singing / 78
  TOPIC 78 Sleeping / 79
  TOPIC 79 Sports / 80
  TOPIC 80 Street markets / 81
  TOPIC 81 Study / 82
  TOPIC 82 Sunshine/Sunny days / 83
  TOPIC 83 Swimming / 84
  TOPIC 84 Taking photos / 85
  TOPIC 85 Teachers / 86
  TOPIC 86 Technology / 87
  TOPIC 87 Time management / 88
  TOPIC 88 Toys / 89
  TOPIC 89 Traffic and transport / 90
  TOPIC 90 Train travel / 91
  TOPIC 91 TV/Television programmes / 92
  TOPIC 92 Visitors / 93
  TOPIC 93 Walking / 94
  TOPIC 94 Weather / 95
  TOPIC 95 Weekend / 96
  TOPIC 96 Wedding / 97
  TOPIC 97 Where you live now / 98
  TOPIC 98 Work / 99
  TOPIC 99 Writing/Handwriting / 100
  TOPIC 100 Your country / 101
  Part 2 话题库
  TOPIC 1 A child / 104
  TOPIC 2 A classmate / 106
  TOPIC 3 A family member / 108
  TOPIC 4 A foreign musician or an artist /110
  TOPIC 5 A friend / 112
  TOPIC 6 A friend who you think is a goodleader / 114
  TOPIC 7 A movie star / 116
  TOPIC 8 A music band / 118
  TOPIC 9 A neighbour / 120
  TOPIC 10 A parent / 122
  TOPIC 11 A person that you like to workwith / 124
  TOPIC 12 A person who is good at cooking /126
  TOPIC 13 A person who likes to help others/ 128
  TOPIC 14 A person you know who dresses well/ 130
  TOPIC 15 A sportsperson who did very wellat an event / 132
  TOPIC 16 A teacher you want to meet again /134
  TOPIC 17 A teenager you know / 136
  TOPIC 18 A TV host / 138
  TOPIC 19 An animal that you think isinteresting / 140
  TOPIC 20 An old person that you admire /142
  TOPIC 21 A book / 144
  TOPIC 22 A course / 146
  TOPIC 23 A dish or meal / 148
  TOPIC 24 A letter or card / 150
  TOPIC 25 A piece of equipment / 152
  TOPIC 26 A piece of furniture / 154
  TOPIC 27 A photograph / 156
  TOPIC 28 A popular product which is made inthe region you come from / 158
  TOPIC 29 A thing you cannot live without(besides a mobile phone or a computer) / 160
  TOPIC 30 A vehicle / 162
  TOPIC 31 An antique or old object yourfamily has kept for a long time / 164
  TOPIC 32 An App / 166
  TOPIC 33 An important plant / 168
  TOPIC 34 An important traditional event (inyour culture/country) / 170
  TOPIC 35 Clothing / 172
  TOPIC 36 Something that you made by hand togive to a friend or a relative / 174
  TOPIC 37 Something you borrowed from afriend/family member / 176
  TOPIC 38 Something you bought but not useoften / 178
  TOPIC 39 Your favourite season/time of theyear / 180
  TOPIC 40 Your favourite toy in yourchildhood / 182
  TOPIC 41 A difficult choice you made whichturned out to be right / 184
  TOPIC 42 A festival / 186
  TOPIC 43 A happy family event you rememberfrom your childhood / 188
  TOPIC 44 A long journey which you enjoyedand would like to make again / 190
  TOPIC 45 A meal you cooked or had / 192
  TOPIC 46 A restaurant that you have been toand you would like to go to again / 194
  TOPIC 47 A small business / 196
  TOPIC 48 A project/Some homework you did aspart of your studies / 198
  TOPIC 49 A rule / 200
  TOPIC 50 A thing for better environment /202
  TOPIC 51 A time when you did something tohelp a stranger / 204
  TOPIC 52 A time when you felt surprised tomeet someone / 206
  TOPIC 53 A time when you got up extremelyearly / 208
  TOPIC 54 A time when you had a disagreementwith your friend / 210
  TOPIC 55 A time when you had to wait forsomeone / 212
  TOPIC 56 A time when you were busy / 214
  TOPIC 57 A walk with a friend / 216
  TOPIC 58 An ambition you haven’t achievedyet / 218
  TOPIC 59 An exciting sport you know / 220
  TOPIC 60 An experience of communicatingwith a foreigner in English / 222
  TOPIC 61 An event in the history / 224
  TOPIC 62 A work of art / 226
  TOPIC 63 An indoor game you enjoyed playingas a child / 228
  TOPIC 64 An interesting conversation youhad with someone / 230
  TOPIC 65 An occasion when someone you knowdidn’t tell the complete truth / 232
  TOPIC 66 An occasion when you got lost in aplace you didn’t know / 234
  TOPIC 67 An occasion when you receive verygood service from a company or shop / 236
  TOPIC 68 Bad weather / 238
  TOPIC 69 Some advice / 240
  TOPIC 70 Something that surprised you andmade you happy / 242
  TOPIC 71 Something important you onceforgot to do / 244
  TOPIC 72 Something you do that is good foryour health / 246
  TOPIC 73 A beautiful place where you wouldlike to have a home / 248
  TOPIC 74 A building of school/college / 250
  TOPIC 75 A café that you know in yourhometown / 252
  TOPIC 76 A city / 254
  TOPIC 77 A colourful place you like / 256
  TOPIC 78 A garden/park you visited andliked / 258
  TOPIC 79 A historical place that interestsyou / 260
  TOPIC 80 A library / 262
  TOPIC 81 A noisy place / 264
  TOPIC 82 A place where you would like tostudy or work / 266
  TOPIC 83 A place you enjoyed learning aboutanother culture / 268
  TOPIC 84 A restaurant / 270
  TOPIC 85 A room / 272
  TOPIC 86 A street where you like to goshopping / 274
  TOPIC 87 An important building in your city/ 276
  TOPIC 88 A fairytale character / 278
  TOPIC 89 A good law / 280
  TOPIC 90 A movie/film you enjoyed and wouldlike to see again / 282
  TOPIC 91 A piece of local news that peoplewere interested in / 284
  TOPIC 92 A radio programme / 286
  TOPIC 93 A show or performance / 288
  TOPIC 94 A song or piece of music / 290
  TOPIC 95 A TV programme you dislike / 292
  TOPIC 96 A website / 294
  TOPIC 97 An advertisement you rememberedwell / 296
  TOPIC 98 An educational TV programme / 298
  TOPIC 99 An impressive exam / 300
  TOPIC 100 An interesting story from a TVprogramme / 302
  Part 3 话题库
  TOPIC 1 Being beautiful & nature / 306
  TOPIC 2 Buildings / 308
  TOPIC 3 Celebration / 312
  TOPIC 4 Environment pollution andprotection / 314
  TOPIC 5 Family & friends / 316
  TOPIC 6 Famous people / 318
  TOPIC 7 Gifts/Presents & creativity /322
  TOPIC 8 Habits & customs / 324
  TOPIC 9 Happiness / 326
  TOPIC 10 Helping others / 330
  TOPIC 11 Health / 332
  TOPIC 12 Help & community / 334
  TOPIC 13 Historical interests & history/ 336
  TOPIC 14 Honest / 340
  TOPIC 15 Homework & education / 342
  TOPIC 16 Interaction / 346
  TOPIC 17 Internet / 350
  TOPIC 18 Leaders & leadership / 352
  TOPIC 19 Movies & films / 354
  TOPIC 20 News / 356
  TOPIC 21 Prizes & rewards / 358
  TOPIC 22 Reading / 360
  TOPIC 23 Restaurant & meals & food& cooking / 364
  TOPIC 24 School subjects / 368
  TOPIC 25 Work / 372
  TOPIC 26 Shopping & advertising / 376
  TOPIC 27 Singers & music / 380
  TOPIC 28 Sports / 384
  TOPIC 29 Technology / 386
  TOPIC 30 The elderly / 388
  TOPIC 31 Time & plans / 392
  TOPIC 32 Toys & children’s development/ 394
  TOPIC 33 Traffic in cities / 398
  TOPIC 34 Travel / 402
  TOPIC 35 TV programmes & entertainment/ 406
  TOPIC 36 Waiting & time / 410
  TOPIC 37 Water / 412
  Part 1 话题库 / 416
  Part 2 话题库 / 432
  Part 3 话题库 / 454

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