本书详细内容 |
书名 |
作者 |
出版日期 |
2001-07-01 |
出版社 |
北京语言文化大学出版社 |
(13位) |
9787561909546 |
(10位) |
7561909543 |
开本 |
16 |
页数 |
156 |
装帧 |
平装 |
定价(C$) |
10.8 |
约合(US$) |
8.53 |
[ 内容简介 ]
汉语口语教程 Chinese Conversation 戴悉心 王静 编著 使用建议:《汉语教程》(第三册)的配套教材 课 型:口语 课时:2~3学时/课,共40~60学时 《汉语教程》(第三册)的配套教材。本教材以话语作为学习中心,以表达作为训练目的,围绕一个留学生和一个中国家庭为中心展开情景会话,既安排了留学生常接触到的情景和话题,又体现了中国人的交际习惯、价值观念、表达方式等,语料更加真实自然。 全书共20课,每课由课文、生词、用法说明及练习四部分组成。 开本:16 页数:156 出版日期:2001年7月 最近重印:2004年6月 ISBN 7-5619-0954-3 磁带 3盘 定价:18.00 Hanyu Kouyu Jiaocheng focuses on the improvement of student's conversational skills. In the 1st year volume, lessons are stuctured in an interview, questions and answer format. Each lesson contains a vocabulary list with English equivilents and Pinyin pronunciation in its first volume, and without it in the more advanced volume for 3rd year students. In the third volume, discussions are based on previously published articles from various newspapers and books. The Undergraduate Series of Chinese as a Foreign Language, consisting of the textbooks for undergraduate studies in college Chinese, is systematically and scientifically designed and has specific quantitative standards for learners' achievements. In addition, the content of the series is very interesting. There are textbooks for four different levels and for different subjects, which are categorized into language skills, culture, economy and trade, and language theories. Because of the wide coverage in terms of contents and the availability of materials for different levels, the series suits the needs for undergraduate programs, and short-term intensive training programs and pre-college Chinese programs as well. Those who study on their own can also find the materials useful for their specific needs -- Beijing Language and Culture University Press Details Weight 1.00 lbs ISBN 7561909543 Publisher Beijing Language and Culture University Press Year Published 2004 Size 7.25 X 10.25 IN Pages 232 Language Simplified Chinese Cover Paperback Author Guo Yingwen |