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书名 O Canada!:1867-2017加拿大150个难忘的故事(英文版)(加拿大建国150周年纪念版)
作者 (加) 凯伦·史密斯
出版日期 2017-09-20
出版社 天津人民出版社
开本 32
装帧 平装
定价(C$) 26.3
约合(US$) 20.78
[ 内容简介 ]

   This book is written and published for celebrating the 150th anniversary of Canadian Confederation. For this 150 years old great country, it has many incredible stories to tell ——
  ◆ Read about the explorers who first came looking and the battles that were fought with the natives they met over land.
  ◆ Learn how the country was settled by the many immigrants, including the Chinese, who helped to grow it.
  ◆ Discover little known and interesting facts about Canada’s culture, sports and symbols.
  ◆ Find out what Canadians love about their country and who they consider to be their heroes.……
   The easy-to-read and fascinating stories in this book highlight a special moment from each of the 150 years that Canada has been a country. It’s quite readable for both native English speakers and ESL learners all over the world.
   《O,Canada!》 凯伦·史密斯(Karen Smith),加拿大出生并长大。大学毕业后开始游历世界,在五个国家工作和生活过。在伦敦生活期间,她获得TESOL(Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages)证书。后移居澳大利亚,在悉尼从事六年的国际学生英语教学,并加入澳大利亚国籍。
  1 A Country Is Born (1867)
  2 The Maple LeafForever (1868)
  3 Turn of the Tide (1869)
  4 Where Money Grows onTrees (1870)
  5 Signed, Sealed andDelivered (1871)
  6 A Home Away from Home(1872)
  7 The Mountie AlwaysGets His Man (1873)
  8 The Better to See YouWith (1874)
  9 Give Me a CallSometime (1875)
  10 The Great White North(1876)
  11 Play Ball (1877)
  12 To Have and to Hold (1878)
  13 Fair Play (1879)
  14 Canada Is On Song (1880)
  15 Shop till You Drop (1881)
  16 A Cotton Picking GoodIdea (1882)
  17 Take Your Medicine (1883)
  18 Is the Train on Time?(1884)
  19 Fight the Good Fight (1885)
  20 Hey there Cowboy (1886)
  21 For the Birds (1887)
  22 A Borderline Decision(1888)
  23 I Will Vote for That (1889)
  24 Canada’s Ship hasCome In (1890)
  25 A Slam Dunk (1891)
  26 A Bricks and MortarBusiness (1892)
  27 With Child (1893)
  28 Out in the Cold (1894)
  29 That Sounds Like aGreat Idea (1895)
  30 There Is Gold inThose Hills (1896)
  31 Search High and Low (1897)
  32 To Drink or not toDrink (1898)
  33 A Star Is Born (1899)
  34 Selling Canada (1900)
  35 A Barrel of Fun (1901)
  36 Can You Hear Me Now? (1902)
  37 Let’s Go for a Drive (1903)
  38 Paddle Your Own Canoe(1904)
  39 A Right of Passage (1905)
  40 A Good Read (1906)
  41 A Belt of Wheat (1907)
  42 Every Book Is aFriend (1908)
  43 That Ice Is Mine (1909)
  44 I Promise to do MyBest (1910)
  45 Park Yourself Here (1911)
  46 Do You Understand? (1912)
  47 Zip Her Up (1913)
  48 Hollywood of theNorth (1914)
  49 As I Live and Breathe(1915)
  50 That Took Ages (1916)
  51 United We Stand (1917)
  52 Cover Your Mouth (1918)
  53 Strike Out (1919)
  54 I Will School You (1920)
  55 Our Ship has Come In (1921)
  56 How to Live Like anInuit (1922)
  57 Down to a Science (1923)
  58 Up in the Air (1924)
  59 The Light of Night (1925)
  60 Seeing Snakes (1926)
  61 Work of Art (1927)
  115 We Give You Our RightArm (1981)
  116 A Sign of the Times (1982)
  117 I am Immune to That (1983)
  118 Like a Three RingCircus (1984)
  119 War and Peace (1985)
  120 Boat People (1986)
  121 One for the Money (1987)
  122 A Woman’s Body Is HerOwn (1988)
  123 World Wide Web (1989)
  124 Get Along LittleDoggies (1990)
  125 The Unhappy, LuckyOnes (1991).
  126 Canary in a Coal Mine(1992)
  127 Bad Blood (1993)
  128 We Trade with OneVoice (1994)
  129 Just Say No (1995)
  130 Sent from My Wireless(1996)
  131 The Human Tsunami (1997)
  132 Where there’s Smoke,there’s Fire (1998)
  133 First Nations, FirstTerritory (1999)
  134 Fresh off the Boat (2000)
  135 Grounded at Gander (2001)
  136 We Can’t Bear It (2002)
  137 Keeping the Peace (2003)
  138 Midnight Sun (2004)
  139 Out of the Closet (2005)
  140 Sorry Is Hard to Say (2006)
  141 Reduce, Reuse, Recycle(2007
  142 Just Like a Human (2008)
  143 Canada’s Stonehenge (2009)
  144 Seeing Flying Cigars (2010)
  145 Will Canada Go Green?(2011)
  146 Watch this Space (2012)
  147 A Dead Loss (2013)
  148 A Fish Tale (2014)
  149 An Old Drink of Water(2015)
  150 Canada has a NewLeader (2016)
  Strong, Proud, Free (2017)
  North and South America were the lastplaces in the world where people came to live. By the time the Vikings fromNorway first saw Canada in the year 985, many First Nations people (see 1999),already called it home. The First Nations had lived in Canada for thousands ofyears. They chased the Vikings away and would not let them live in Canada.
  It was a very long time before anotherexplorer stopped at Canada. John Cabot was
  exploring the world in a big boat called aship. He was looking for new land for the British in 1497. He found Canada, buthe did not stay to live there.
  Next year the Portuguese came. They livedfor a time on the East coast of Canada, but they left because they liked SouthAmerica better.
  Finally, in 1534, Jacques Cartier placed a Frenchflag near the Saint Lawrence River (see 1890). He said that the countrycalled Canada today belonged to France.
  The French started to trade with the nativepeople of Canada, called First Nations. French people liked to wear fur hatsand Canada had many animals with warm fur. First
  Nations hunters would bring animal skins tothe French and trade them for an axe. The axe made it easier and faster to cutwood so it was valued by the First Nations. Animal
  skins could be sold for a lot of money inFrance, so they were valued by the French. It was a good trade. The FirstNations people let the French stay and live near them. In 1608, the Frenchbuilt Quebec City and some French people made it their new home.
  Farther east, in St John’s Newfoundland,the British had arrived by ship in 1583. British people started to live ineastern Canada in 1621, but they fought with the French. Both Britain andFrance wanted all of Canada. They did not want to share it. Britain startedsending many people to Canada. Soon Britain could win these fights, calledbattles because there were more British soldiers than French soldiers. TheFrench and the British fought many battles.
  One big battle was called the Seven Years’War. This was the first war ever fought in more than one country at one time.It was like a world war. The British fought the French, the Americans, and theFirst Nations in Canada from 1756 —1763. They also had battles in manycountries in Europe, India, and even on the sea. When the British won thisfight, they made the French give North America to them.
  Now, Britain owned all of North America.However, many of the people living in North America were angry at Britain. Theythought Britain did not care about them, so they started a battle. When thesepeople won the battle, they made the British people go north. The winnersstayed south and called themselves Americans. The British land in the north wascalled British North America. One hundred years later, it would become Canada.On September 6, 1814, in Quebec, and January 11, 1815, in Scotland somethinghappened that would forever be important to the birth of Canada. On those days,George-Étienne Cartier was born in Canada and John Alexander Macdonald was bornin Scotland.
  John A. Macdonald’s family were English speakers.They moved to Ontario, Canada, when he was a boy. He became a lawyer and latera politician in the government. George-Étienne Cartier was French speaking. Hegrew up in Quebec, Canada. He also became a lawyer and then a politician. Whenboth boys were in their 40’s they met in the government and became goodfriends.
  John and George-Étienne both wantedeveryone in Canada to live together happily and have one government. At thattime, there were many British colonies. These were places in Canada where theBritish lived and ruled. Each colony had different governments. Often theFrench speakers and English speakers in one colony did not agree. For hundredsof years, this had caused many battles between them.
  John and George-Étienne worked together tofind a way to bring peace. They began to make changes that brought the twocultures together so they did not fight. John and George-Étienne could see thatone, united country would be better for the economy. One country could shareeverything, so everyone would be richer. The people of one country could sellthings to each other and to other countries. They didn’t need to send everythingback to Britain for free. John and George-Étienne also thought that if the Frenchand English worked together, they could keep the Americans in the south from gettingtheir land.
  The people living in British North Americaliked their ideas. Britain did not have enough money to keep control of thecountry so Britain agreed. The leaders of the provinces of Ontario, Quebec,Nova Scotia and New Brunswick came together to make the country called theDominion of Canada. On July 1, 1867, they all signed a paper called the BritishNorth America Act. This paper made the Canadian government united and free fromBritish rule. July 1st is celebrated as Canada Day every year (see 1958).Such a great new country needed a great new leader. John A. Macdonald agreed tobe that man. In 1867, when Canada became a country, John A. Macdonald becameits first Prime Minister.
  Like any new birth, Canada took many moreyears to grow. George-Étienne worked hard to bring other parts of Canadatogether. He saw Manitoba, Northwest Territories, British Columbia and PrinceEdward Island also join Canada before his death. Eventually, by 1999, all 10provinces in the south of Canada and the three territories in the north hadjoined to become one country.
  Today, Canada is the second largest countryin the world. It is almost 10 million square kilometers in size. The country ofCanada covers land from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean inthe west. From the great lakes in the south to the Arctic Ocean in the north.

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