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书名 中国针灸学(修订版)英文版 二手书
作者 程莘农 主编
出版日期 2010-03-01
出版社 外文出版社
开本 32
装帧 平装
定价(C$) 87.1
约合(US$) 68.81
[ 内容简介 ]

Acupuncture and moxibustion are indispensable parts of traditiona[Chinses medicine in the prevention and control of disease.Since the founding of the People's Republic of China these arts have beendeveloped and are highly regarded by the international, academic community. Based upon Essentials of Chinese Acupuncture, used as a textbook by the International. Acupuncture Training Centers in Beijng, Shanghai and Nanjing, Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion incorporates the rich experience of class teaching and clinical, practice and the results of acupuncture research, retaining the characteristic features ofthe traditional theory of acupuncture and stressing the integration of theory and practice.The book consists of eighteen chapters and four appendices. Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion was compiled by the International Acupuncture Training Centers and Acupuncture Institute of China, Academy of Traditional. Chinese Medicine, on commission of the Ministry of Public Health. It is published by Foreign Languages Press and distributed by China International Book Trading Corporation.
  Preface to the Revised Edition
  Chapter 1 A Brief History of Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion
  Chapter 2 Yin-Yang and the Five llements
  Chapter 3 The Zang-Fu Organs
  Chapter 4 Qi, Blood and Body Fluid
  Chapter 5 The Meridians and Collaterals
  Chapter 6 An Introduction to Acupuncture Points
  Chapter 7 Acupuncture Points of the Taiyin and Yangming Meridian
  Chapter 8 Acupuncture Points of The Shaoyin and Taiyang Meridians
  Chapter 9 Acupuncture Points of Jueyin and Shaoyang Meridians
  Chapter 10 Acupuncture Points of the Governor and the Conceptior Vessels and the Extra Points
  Chapter 11 Aetiology and Pathogenesis
  Chapter 12 Diagnostic Methods
  Chapter 13 Differentiation of Syndromes
  Chapter 14 Acupuncture Techniques
  Chapter 15 Moxibustion and Cupping Method
  Chapter 16 A General Introduction to Acupuncture Treatment
  Chapter 17 Internal Diseases
  Chapter 18 Gynecological and Other Diseases
  Ear Acupuncture Therapy
  Acupuncture Analgesia
  Standard Nomenclature of the Acupuncture Points of the Fourteen Meridians
  Cross Index of Acupuncture Points (Pinyin)

1. 语文一年级上册
2. 言出法随
3. 吳永志不一樣的自然養生法
4. 九宫格
5. 黄冈小状元·作业本 一年级语文(上)人教版
6. 品味舌尖上的中国
7. FPA性格色彩入门-跟乐嘉色眼识人
8. 中药学习题集—新世纪规划习题集
10. 我在加拿大有一个小园子
11. 不一样的自然养生法 实践100问
12. 中国画颜料 马利牌5ml 12色Marie Chinese Painting Color Tubes Pigment Water Color
13. 食物颜色使用手册
14. 快乐汉语 第一册 Kuaile Hanyu Student's Book 1
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