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书名 针灸学(双语)
作者 沈雪勇 等主编,赵百孝 主译
出版日期 2007-09-01
出版社 人民卫生
开本 16
页数 609
装帧 平装
定价(C$) 28.6
约合(US$) 22.59
[ 内容简介 ]

本教材是“全国高等中医药院校来华留学生卫生部‘十一五’规划汉英双语教材”系列之一。 针灸学是研究和阐述针灸理论及其临床应用的一门学科,是中医学中一个不可分割的重要组成部分。本教材的编写根据“全国高等中医药院校来华留学生卫生部‘十一五’规划汉英双语教材编审委员会”的编写要求,针对来华留学生的学习特点编写而成。 本教材分上、中、下三篇,共8章,包括经络总论、腧穴总论、经络?穴各论、毫针刺法、灸法、治疗总论、治疗各论等内容。
  上篇 经络腧穴
   1 经络总论
    1.1 经络系统概述
     1.1.1 十二经脉
     1.1.2 奇经八脉
     1.1.3 十五络脉
     1.1.4 十二经别
     1.1.5 十二经筋
     1.1.6 十二皮部
    1.2 经络的根结、标本、气街和四海
     1.2.1 根结
     1.2.2 标本
     1.2.3 气街
     1.2.4 四海
    1.3 经络的作用及经络理论的临床应用
     1.3.1 经络的作用
     1.3.2 经络理论的临床应用
   2 腧穴总论
    2.1 腧穴的分类和命名
     2.1.1 腧穴的分类
     2.1.2 腧穴的命名
    2.2 腧穴的作用和主治规律
     2.2.1 腧穴的作用
     2.2.2 腧穴的主治规律
    2.3 特定穴
     2.3.1 五输穴
     2.3.2 原穴
     2.3.3 络穴
     2.3.4 郄穴
     2.3.5 背俞穴
     2.3.6 募穴
     2.3.7 下合穴
     2.3.8 八会穴
     2.3.9 八脉交会穴
     2.3.10 交会穴
    2.4 腧穴定位法
     2.4.1 体表标志定位法
     2.4.2 骨度分寸定位法
     2.4.3 手指同身寸定位法
     2.4.4 简便定位法
   3 经络?穴各论
  中篇 刺法灸法
   4 毫针刺法
   5 灸法
   6 其他
  下篇 治疗
   7 治疗总论
   8 治疗各论
  Title: 针灸学 (第2版) Acupuncture and Moxibustion (2nd edition)
  Editor: 沈雪勇 Shen Xueyong, 王华 Wang Hua
  ISBN: 978-7-117-08649-3
  Publisher: 人民卫生出版社 People’s Medical Publishing House
  Series: 全国高等中医药院校汉英双语教材·供来华留学生用 Chinese-English Textbooks for International Students of Chinese TCM Institutions
  Language: bilingual Chinese-English
  Date of publication: 2007.09
  Edtion: Second edition
  Number of pages: 609
  Dimensions: 18.5 x 26 cm
  Target audience: Students and teachers of TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine)
  This is one of the Chinese-English Bilingual TCM Textbooks for overseas students studying in the colleges and universities in China. The compilation of these textbooks has been brought into the 1 lth 5-Year Plan of the Health Ministry.
   Acupuncture and moxibustion are two disciplines within the framework of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) encompassing complete and systemic theories and rich experiences in their clinical practice. The compilation of this book is guided by the Compiling and Approving Committee of TCM Bilingual Textbooks, and is based on the requirements of the overseas students in TCM higher learning as welt.
   There are 3 parts and 8 chapters in the book. Part one introduces 3 chapters about the channels and acupuncture points. Chapter 1 explains the main components of the channel system, the functions of the channels and collaterals and their clinical applications. It provides an overview of the basic concepts of channel system for the students. Chapter 2 introduces the classification and nomenclature of points, locations, and indications and needling techniques the points. It also introduces the concepts of specific points etc. Chapter 3 introduces the details of channels and points. From sections 1 to 12 of Chapter 3, it discusses the twelve regular channels and their points including the pathways, indications, needling and moxibustion methods and clinical applications. The 13th section in chapter 3 introduces the distribution of the eight extra channels. The 14th section briefly introduces the commonly used extra points. In chapter 3, points commonly used in practice are marked with "*" on the upper fight comer of their names.
   Part two, includes Chapter 4 to 6, which mainly introduces the techniques of filiform needling and moxibustion. There is also a briefly introduction to other related methods such as cupping, scalp acupuncture, and auricular acupuncture.
   Part three includes chapter 7 and 8, which mainly introduce treatments of diseases with acupuncture and moxibustion. Chapter 7 introduces general therapeutic effects, rules, prescription of acupuncture and the application of the specific points, which gives students a general idea about acupuncture therapy. Chapter 8 introduces the treatment methods of the commonly encountered diseases and disorders using acupuncture and moxibustion in the clinical setting. Erich individual disease is introduced with a unique format such as chief symptoms, pattern identifications, principal points and supplementary points, and alternate methods. This arrangement is faith to the Clinical situation of the acupuncture practice and is easy to understood and memorized, and be mastered by students.
   There are two parts to this book, the Chinese version and its English translation, which are compiled by editors and translators respectively. It is a great challenge to publish a bilingual textbook for us as the editors, translators and publishers. We apologize if there are any flaws in the book due to our limitation in compiling experience and knowledge.
   Compiling and Translating Committee of Acupuncture and Moxibustion
   July, 2007
  Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has a unique theoretical system and is clinically effective. Over the past few decades it has been attracting increasing attention from all over the world. More and more overseas students come to China to learn TCM and there has been a huge upsurge in the learning of TCM worldwide. To meet the needs of these students, accelerate the processes of internationalization of TCM, and improve the quality of education available to overseas students coming to China to learn TCM, these textbooks have been compiled by China National Association of International Exchange and Collaboration in TCM Higher Education in accordance with the wishes of the Ministry of Education of P.R.C., the Ministry of Health of P.R.C., and the State Administration Bureau of TCM of P.R.C.. The Textbook Office Affiliated to the Ministry of Health of P.R.C. has attached great importance to the matter. In addition, the compilation of the textbooks has the support of the following important organizations: International Cooperation and Exchange Department of the Ministry of Education of P.R.C., China Scholarship Council, Chinese Association of Universities and Colleges for Foreign Students Affairs, all the colleges and universities of TCM, and the People's Medical Publishing House. This series of textbooks has been brought into the Eleventh Five-Year Plan of the Ministry of Health of P.R.C. and a new organization, the Editing Committee of Chinese-English Bilingual Textbooks Included in the Eleventh Five-Year Plan of the Ministry of Health of P.R.C. for International Students of Chinese TCM Institutions, was established.
   The textbooks have been compiled to conform to the standards of the exam syllabus for international licensed TCM professionals, Chinese licensed TCM physicians, and the 21st century textbooks for TCM universities (referencing the 5th, 6th, and 7th editions).
  The textbooks are bilingual, with content first in Chinese and then in English. The total is ten textbooks: Fundamental Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Diagnostics of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chinese Materia Medica, Formulas of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Traditional Chinese Internal Medicine, Acupuncture and Moxibustion, Science of Tuina, Gynecology of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Health Preservation of Traditional Chinese Medicine, An Introductory Course in Medicine. The compilers of the textbooks adhered to "three points: basic theories, basic knowledge, and basic techniques"; "five features: the ideological, scientific, advanced, enlightening, and practical"; and "three principles: specific readers, specific requirements, and specific levels". Great attention has been paid to the issues of inheritance and innovation, traditional and modem aspects, theory and practice, and Chinese medicine and biomedicine. It is our aim to make the theories of TCM systematic, presenting key points in concise language that will lead to practical clinical applications.
   There was a strict procedure for selecting and translators. Names of compilers and translators had to be approved by the Editing Committee of Chinese-English Bilingual Textbooks Included in the Eleventh Five-Year Plan of the Ministry of Health of P.R.C. for International Students of Chinese TCM Institutions, and The Textbook Office Affiliated to the Ministry of Health of P.R.C. All candidates selected are experts with years of experience teaching TCM to international students.
   Each textbook was repeatedly examined and revised to guarantee quality by numerous committees at multiple stages. The English text was thoroughly reviewed by foreign experts.
   Introducing TCM to overseas students in China and abroad meets with many challenges of communication and dissemination of material. We hope this series of textbooks will make great contributions to the development of Chinese culture, the improvement of human health, and the promotion of scientific and cultural exchange between China and the rest of the world.
   China National Association of International Exchange and
   Collaboration in TCM Higher Education
   Editing Committee of Chinese-English Bilingual Textbooks
   Included in the Eleventh Five-Year Plan of the Ministry of Health of
   P.R.C. for International Students of Chinese TCM Institutions
   July, 2007

1. 语文一年级上册
2. 言出法随
3. 吳永志不一樣的自然養生法
4. 九宫格
5. 黄冈小状元·作业本 一年级语文(上)人教版
6. 品味舌尖上的中国
7. FPA性格色彩入门-跟乐嘉色眼识人
8. 中药学习题集—新世纪规划习题集
10. 我在加拿大有一个小园子
11. 不一样的自然养生法 实践100问
12. 中国画颜料 马利牌5ml 12色Marie Chinese Painting Color Tubes Pigment Water Color
13. 食物颜色使用手册
14. 快乐汉语 第一册 Kuaile Hanyu Student's Book 1
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